Are you new to Elder Care?
Approximately 25% of caregivers are considered “Sandwich Generation” Caregivers, meaning taking care of an elderly parent and at least 1 child
6% of Baby Boomers (1946-64) and 31% of Generation X (1965-80) belong to the Sandwich Generation
LAD can help guide you through this
Do you know what papers are needed for Elder Care?
POA, DNR, HIPAA, LW, AD….. believe it or not, these are important acronyms to know if you are caretaking for an Elder
More than 6.5 million Americans living with Alzheimer’s Disease are over the age of 65
LAD can help educate you on this
Does your elder need help with daily routines? How do you keep them active?
Personal care tips, Smart Shopping, Activity Motivation & Adaptations, Chore Segmentation – things to make life easier with an elder loved one
Elder Adults who stay Mentally Active have a lower risk of developing dementia
LAD can help with positive tips
Is your house safe for your Elder Loved Ones?
Kitchen dangers, bathroom fall hazards, outdoor precautions – all things we need to be safe
Falls are a leading cause of fractures and head injuries for people aged 65+
LAD can personalize safety assessments for you